
This is where you can find employment, funding, or volunteer opportunities to support CAFN’s work or receive support from the Food Security Plan.



CAFN Internship

We are seeking a paid intern to support CAFN communications and the implementation of Wake County Food Security Plan initiatives. Please click the button below to learn more and to apply.

If interested, apply by April 21st. Questions can be directed to Trevor Hyde, trevor.hyde@wake.gov and Cindy Sink, cindydsink@gmail.com.


Pantry Innovation Funding

Do you operate, partner, or work with a Wake County food pantry? Do you need funds to upgrade the resources your pantry offers or make your pantry more accessible to your community?

As part of the Wake County Food Security Plan Update, Wake County Cooperative Extension is excited to announce a new funding opportunity to update existing Food Pantries with changes that will improve nutrition access and customer experience. There will be an information session at noon on May 23rd.

Applications are due June 14th.
Questions can be directed to Sydney Mierop, sydney.mierop@wake.gov.
