Board of Directors
gideon adams
Gideon Adams is the Vice President for Community Health and Engagement at Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC. Among other things, he is responsible for strategic planning and implementation of partnerships and programs that will work to “shorten the lines” of those living with food insecurity and to increase access to nutrition education and information, including assistance in applying for SNAP and other safety net benefits.
bianca howard
Bianca Howard is an environmental educator with a professional passion for trash. Bianca is a proud graduate of North Carolina State University and the University of Florida. She serves as the Outreach and Marketing Supervisor for Wake County Solid Waste Management, where her responsibilities include coordinating a drop-off collection program for wasted food. Bianca also leads the Food Recovery Circle at CAFN.
cindy sink
Cindy Sink is a retired media marketing executive with almost two decades of marketing, communications, and development experience in the community health and food systems space. She is currently a writer, coach, and facilitator for amplifying women’s truth. Cindy leads the Economic Development and Policy Circle and convenes a coalition of workforce development organizations with the goal of developing a county-wide Living Wage Certification Program and Small Business Resource Center.
Circle Leaders
Sydney Klein Mierop
Food Access & Nutrition Circle Leader,
Kameron Rowe
Food Access & Nutrition Circle Leader,
Bianca Howard
Food Recovery Circle Leader,
Liliana Marin
Health Circle Leader,
Trevor Hyde
Farmland Preservation &
Food Procurement Circle Leader,
Cindy Sink
Economic Development & Policy Circle Leader,
Deanna Bigio
Community Gardens Circle Leader,